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Infinity: no limits    


In the description of Zeno’s dichotomous way of movement the obvious isn’t taken into consideration: All men perceive that every movement in our world has a beginning and a end. It is therefore, clear that in our world, Zeno’s arrow as well as Achilles and the turtle will all reach their target. It is equally obvious that they will be able to start moving without any difficulty, whatsoever. 

This inherent perception of the obvious led even physicists to the conclusion that our world is finite. Therefore, experts such as Aristotle, much later Newton and a century ago Max Planck came to the arbitrary -namely dogmatic- conclusion of the existence of every kind of natural limits. Without realizing it, these prominent scientists created successively … fictitious tombstones which inactivated even to this day the logical way of thinking, which prevailed in the philosophy of ancient Greece and especially in the Eleatic school of philosophy.

Let the reader consider that if we examine any perceivable limit in our world, we will find that we are always dealing with “a phenomenon”. The great ancient Greek thinkers who created the word “phenomenon” meant with absolute clarity, what it seems and not what it truly is. N.B. The root of this word is “φαίνομαι” (phenomai) which means “I seem to bee, I appear”. Thus “φαινόμενον” or “phenomenon” means “what is apparent, what seems”.

As a consequence, the perception “the phenomenon of limits” isn’t the cause itself but the result. If we are interested only in the absolute and not in the approximate truth, we should focus our attention on this unperceivable cause. This is what causality dictates and therefore logic. It apparently seems that physicist researchers have abandoned these two universal principles. Haven’t they realised that all natural phenomena evolve on the basis of these two principles?

Interestingly however, it is Zeno’s way of movement which leads us to the cause of the phenomenon of movement. He achieves this with the simple but paradoxically stated question : “Does movement (limited or limitless) really exist or not?”  The simple answer to this question is that “in the world of phenomena” meaning in our Finite Environment, which Physics studies – we simultaneously meet limited as well as the unlimited movement. On the contrary, in the Environment of the Infinity – which is metaphysics’ studying object – no movement is feasible.

My above claims will be demonstrated in the next units.


* the english texts may not represent a professional translation of the original
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