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Our world is virtual

The reader, who has attended my thoughts meticulously up to this point, has obviously understood that our world under no circumstances could be material.

a—-After strictly consistent logical associations the following has been proven: Our world is seemingly finite – while in the 2nd book this is also mathematically demonstrated. In the profound truth, it is equally infinite. Consequently, it takes place in the Environment of the InfinityThis concludes that both environments are identical.

b—-We humans however, perceive that our world is material and under this view real –and everything in this world is in constant movement.

c—-The 2nd metaphysical law clarifies that in the Environment of the Infinity nobody and nothing would be able to move. As a consequence, Matter could never exist in the Infinite.

d—-In the 3rd metaphysical law it is elucidated (clarified) that if in spite of all this, there was a viable world like ours in the Environment of the Infinity then this world could never be material but just virtual.

—–From the above mentioned, it is emerged that our world could only be virtual.


* the english texts may not represent a professional translation of the original
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